The Clock that Struck 13 Times

chap.3: Alley Fence.

Disclaimer: Earl/Count Cain characters respectfully belong to Kaori Yuki, and I gained nothing in writing this story. This is rated PG-13 due to murders. I created the murderer character.

In a dark and narrow alley, a tall man with long silvery blonde hair leaned against a wooden fence. There was also a short brown haired man standing to the left of the other figure. Shadows danced across the tall man's glasses as he gazed unhappily at his companion.
"Don't you worry Dr. Jezebel sir. My work here is almost finished, and I will prove to your boss man that I am worthy of joining his group," said the brown haired man.
"I hope you do not make a mistake to get your self caught Severin Dawmoor. But, if the police do capture you, do not breathe a word of the name Delilah to them. We will be watching and will strike you down before you say anything about us," and the Dr. grinned.
"Those Bobbies will never catch me. If it will please you, I will quicken the pace and be finish with my revenge on my grandfather within the week."
"It does not matter to me how you do it Mr. Dawmoor just as long as you do not mess up. We will not accept bungling idiots into our organization."
Mr. Dawmoor sharply tuned his head and angrily stared at the Dr. with narrow eyes.
"If you have nothing else to say to me, then I must be off to report your progress." Dr. Jezebel straightened up and strolled out of the ally. When he was about to leave the ally, he bumped into a lady with long white blonde hair with a parasol in men clothes.
"Oh my, excuse me!" said the lady.
Dr. Jezebel had on dumbfounded look for a bit at the site of the lady's attire. But, he quickly put on sweet and caring composure with an innocent smile.
"On no, excuse me Madame for walking into you. I should have been watching out as to where I was going. I hope you are all right."
"I am quite fine sir."
"Good then my fair lady and good day to you." The Dr. walked off.
Lady Lawena spoke out quietly, "Good day to you sir. Ha, like that crocodile smile of yours would fool me my fine Dr." She resumed her calm walk.

Auteur: Unicorn